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Reef Bay Trail
St John
St John , USVI

Start a gorgeous day by getting dropped off by taxi at mile 5 on the centerline road – the trailhead for the Reef Bay Trail. This trail is steep and rocky downhill for a good bit before leveling off. There is a side trail near the end that takes you to 2,000 year old petroglyphs – highly recommended.

The Reef Bay sugar factory has much and well preserved history. Enjoy the Ladybird Johnson bathrooms (BYOTP). Follow the trail past the beach to the right to visit the Marsh gravesite. The beach is lovely with sand, coral rock, and dramatic volcanic points into the ocean.

Walking back is strenuous. When you hit that uphill stretch – take small breaks and definitely stay hydrated. You’ll need more water than you expect. I was able to get from the beach back to the trail head in exactly one hour, but recommend a slower pace.
