Near Fish Bay go to Lookup Road. The tail goes through the deep heart of STJ along a ridge that is very narrow at times. This leads to L’Esprance trail and then short hike to the Ruins. Behind the Boaba Tree is good view. “To access this trail, take Southside Road past the Westin and out toward Fish Bay. After driving about 10 minutes from town, you will see a small bridge. Cross this bridge and take an immediate left onto Cocolobo Trail. Follow Cocolobo until you see a concrete wall on your left with a small sign on it that says Skytop. Take a left there. Drive up the hill until you see a switchback. That’s where the trail begins. Park your Jeep on the side of the road, but not in the roadway of course.Take a left at the small bridge. The trail starts to the right of the rocks. Next to the electrical pole.” This isn’t a commonly used trail so do your part to keep it clear. Enjoy
St John
St John , USVI